Monday, September 5, 2011

Rocks, Rocks, and More Rocks

   Sometimes I get a little depressed with the slow progress that I make on this project.  But then again, I am still glad to be doing it myself rather than simply writing a big check to a contractor.  Doing things myself provides a level of understanding and a sense of self worth that cannot easily be described.  In any case, I am marching forward.

   The work-site needed some cleaning up.
1) Remove the concrete forms.
2) Lower the dirt grade about 2" so that a rock finish could be added.
3) Put down weed-stopping plastic.
4) Put in plastic edging to define the zone
5) Add river stones
6) On the other side of the sidewalk, restore some top soil, add grass seed and fertilizer.

 The result of this effort, and hopefully you will agree, is a dramatically cleaned up look.  In fact it may be the best looking part of the landscape on the whole property
    On each end of the solar panel area, a small dirt area has been created for planting some greenery.  Hopefully this will offset the very industrial look of the installation.  The plants must not be too tall, however, or they will block the sun from getting to the panels.  I am considering hostas  but I don't know if they will work at this sunny location.
    The forms around each concrete pier have been removed.  I think they look pretty good.
   The site is ready for the panels.  I have even taken the tarp down now to get it out of the way of Hurricane Irene.

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