Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Beginning

Insulated the house: Check
Reduced Electricity consumption by 75%: Check
Installed 3KW Solar PV for remaining 25%: Check
Bought Prius: Check
Riding Bicycle to work: Check

Hmmm... now what else should I do to reduce my carbon footprint, reduce pollution, and save money.  I know, how about installing solar panels that create hot water for things like showers and washing dishes.  It should save me money on home heating oil (read: Diesel Fuel) and be a good step in the right direction.

To be fair, I have been thinking about doing this for more than two years now.  About one year after the Solar PV panels were installed, I had scheduled an appointment with NexAmp to discuss having them install solar hot water panels.  Unfortunately, the day before they were to come to my house, the 2008 recession took hold, I lost my job, and naturally I canceled the appointment to focus on a job search, which fortunately only lasted two weeks.  But I was still too scared to part with any cash in family bank account.  Perhaps others can relate; perhaps not, if they are still unemployed, broke, and suffering.

But now I am back.  Feeling a little more confident.  With a little luck, the expenditure on the solar panels will pay for itself over the next 10 years or less.  Currently I am burning 1000 gallons of home heating oil per year (heat and hot water).  At $4/gallon, this is about $4000/year.  If I can reduce that by 25%, that is $1000/year.  With the expected cost of the system at $10,000, perhaps it will be a 10 year payback.  Not too bad.

But I am an engineer damn it, and a good one at that.  I am also very good with my hands.  I plan on building this thing myself and learn from the process.

Let it begin.

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